In a software project which is Java based and build upon the Spring framework, writing tests is a must. For stubbing within your Spring Boot application Wiremock is integrated in the Spring Cloud project and can be used for your tests. However in some situations we’re keep copying and pasting stubs which will end up […]
After installing ROS on the Windows 10 / WSL2 laptop according to my earlier posted blog which you can find here we’re ready to develop a new Catkin project! But wait, how do I develop on the Ubuntu Subsystem which is installed? I’ve found a useful post on the Visual Studio Code website which I’ve […]
I want to write code and be able to run my Windows laptop without a virtual machine for specific Ubuntu installation or dual boot. With WSL from windows it should be possible. Well it is! You need the following steps: Configure WSL2 Install Ubuntu App Pass the GUI from the Ubuntu app through an x-window-server […]
I’m a couple of months at my new job now and I’m learning a lot. I’ve seen a lot of projects which I visited like a AGV, a RobotDog and UniversalRobots which are among them. It got me inspired and it gives me a lot of energy so I bought a 3D-printer (Ender 5 Pro) […]
I’ve chosen my study called technical informatics education for a deeper knowledge of computers. After i’ve successfully got my Bachelor degree I’ve worked for a middle sized company and short thereafter I’ve worked for a IT -consultancy company in the Netherlands. During my study I’ve encountered and learned a lot of languages like for example: […]
Wow, after a few years of coding I went to a conference organised by OWASP. I always liked the ability to find a leak or exposure and even sometimes make fixes for it. But then again, i’m a software engineer and that’s what we’ll do, create and fix code. Or not? After the first keynote […]
Security is a hot topic the last years and certainly the last few months during the COVID-19 period. The more people work from home which gives hackers almost a free-pass to spot opportunities. And as far as I know there are still a lot of people with a low security WIFI at home, even software […]
Not all developers know how to implement the ssl certificates in a Java environment and the difference between the serverside truststore as the client-sided keystores. Therefore a post is devoted to clearify how this way of security works. If you wish to implement this I will assume you have configured your Java installation succesfully which […]
I recently had a scenario which i needed to be in a call and to watch a video they send me. But in the meanwhile the people started discussing while i needed to focus on the video. That’s the moment i found out that MacOS hasn’t got an easy VolumeMixer where i can mute an […]
I’ve got a working title: The Woman Who Squashed Terrorists: When an Embassy gets Hacked – Chris Kubecka Great talk where I was so intrigued that I forgot taking notes on my laptop. Maybe that’s also because haven’t got my coffee yet ;-). She talked about her passion: Cyber warfare. And through some fun examples […]