
Security talk 4 devs!

Wow, after a few years of coding I went to a conference organised by OWASP. I always liked the ability to find a leak or exposure and even sometimes make fixes for it. But then again, i’m a software engineer and that’s what we’ll do, create and fix code. Or not? After the first keynote […]


SSL Certificates and Java

Not all developers know how to implement the ssl certificates in a Java environment and the difference between the serverside truststore as the client-sided keystores. Therefore a post is devoted to clearify how this way of security works. If you wish to implement this I will assume you have configured your Java installation succesfully which […]


Global AppSec Amsterdam

Day 1 Remarks A first talk about the board members and some introduction about OWASP and the question of contributing to the community and getting involved. Explained about the membership and 50 dollar discount on owasp conferences. The wifi password was given and we’ve officially started OWASP Global AppSec AMS. The house is built on […]