I recently started to deepdive in the world of Robotics Engineers. To be at my best i’m installing and configuring several devices and ofcourse my development environment. I’ll make these posts to share the knowledge and to archive mine. In this post I’m setting up a Ros master on docker with the catking workspace folder […]
I’m a couple of months at my new job now and I’m learning a lot. I’ve seen a lot of projects which I visited like a AGV, a RobotDog and UniversalRobots which are among them. It got me inspired and it gives me a lot of energy so I bought a 3D-printer (Ender 5 Pro) […]
Day 1 Remarks A first talk about the board members and some introduction about OWASP and the question of contributing to the community and getting involved. Explained about the membership and 50 dollar discount on owasp conferences. The wifi password was given and we’ve officially started OWASP Global AppSec AMS. The house is built on […]